Many people think that making an online business is as simple as creating a website and waiting for buyers to come. The buyer will never come by itself. Even after coming they will not just buy your goods.
You need to create a marketing strategy!
A marketing strategy is something you set up to do the following:
Reach potential buyers
Make potential buyers trust you
Making potential buyers feel very need your product
Make potential buyers feel easy to buy your product
More details I will explain one by one below ....
how to reach your potential buyers
To reach potential buyers you can do a lot of ways. Some of them are:
Advertise offline on radio, tv, or bulk sms
Advertise online on facebook or adwords
Contact via email
Search engine optimization or SEO, etc.
All you need to know now is advertising it will cost a lot while SEO will take a long time (can be 3 to 6 months before you see the results). The problem is when you reach them whether you can attract them or not.
To be able to make your prospective buyers interested you should be able to create attractive ads or pages of websites that are comfortable for them to read.
I will not discuss this issue here, because this discussion can be very long. Here I just want to show you the correct path in managing the traffic you get ... Later I will discuss this issue on the topic of copywriting and the topic of writing an interesting article.
how to get trust or trust
One of the problems of a business is gaining trust. People tend to find it hard to trust an online selling website for granted; if the website has not had any reputation.
If you want to wait until you have a reputation first new sale ... you also will never sell anything.
One way to solve this problem is to get a reputable website in your niche that recommends your online store. This will give the impression to the readers of the website that people who understand about this product also recommends your store as a place to buy .... and it will obviously raise their trust to your product.
Of course you have to pay for a review of the website with the best reputation in nichenya.
review of products online
Just an illustration for this problem ...
Let's say you have an online camera store you just opened a few weeks ago. Of course this few weeks is not enough time to be able to get trust from your buyers.
It will help you if you can find a blog from a photographer who is quite famous. Then you bid his services to review a camera that is quite popular today .... And in that article you ask the author to recommend your camera store as a place to buy the camera.
It will be easier to raise the trust for your store. You can pay between 50 thousand and a million for this review; and it all depends on the reputation of the website and the author itself.
My web even ever offered 2 million just to stick to one product link in one article that has been ranked. Unfortunately I do not feel the product is relevant enough to my article, so I refused.
If you already get a website that is willing to review your product and it turns out this website has a good reputation online (domain authority) you can order back link services to optimize the page reviewing your website.
What if you do not have money and can not find people who want to review your website for free?
marketing strategy
Yes you make your own. Of course this is webspam, but indeed in blogger culture in Indonesia, not an easy thing to get a review for free, just because your website and your best product .... So ignore it meme beside ya 😆
You can optimize the review website along with the landing page. So later you will have some websites that will recommend traffic to your website.
It will be easier for your prospective buyers to trust your landing page, if they get to the landing page on the recommendation of someone they consider to be a third party. Different if they position themselves as the marketing target of an advertisement. They will tend to be more alert and not being too open in reading your offer.
If the traffic coming to your website comes from the review website, or directly from the search engine, then surely they need your product.
You just have to give a little incentive to convince them to buy the product from you. There are several things that can convince others to buy from you, namely:
Competitive prices
The best quality assurance
Bonus (if any competitor also offers)
After sales services are good
Completeness of the guide
Your ability to describe the product in detail and of course must be friendly.
If you can convince potential buyers that they can get the six points on top of you, then I am sure you will be more easily closing.
So your first step in planning a landing page is to make a list of things that potential buyers might ask about your product. Then arrange in an easy to understand and interesting explanation to see on your landing page.
Your basic goal of creating a landing page should be to give a true understanding of your product. If your prospect judges you to say what you are ... then they will feel appreciated. From there you will initially get a trust that will simplify the next process.
More details about this later I will discuss in the article how to create a landing page.
We can see in the past how many people who want to use online advertising on facebook but hampered because they do not have a credit card. After payment method can bank transfer is opened; the number of advertisers they were racing.
Yes! Lots of things happen where online businesses lose potential profits or fail to sell because they do not give ease to the buyers.
Ease of it can be like the number of account number options, or the choice of courier service, or even the option of cash on delivery.
Or, if you have a lot of products; make sure your visitors easily use the page navigation system on the website to find products that suit their tastes.
Broadly speaking this is the basic knowledge that need to be known by those who want to pursue an online business.
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