Causes of Light Gray Hair at a Young Age
In general, Eastern people's hair, especially Southeast Asia, is dark black. The dark black color of Asian hair is caused by high levels of melamine. The higher melamine content will make the hair look black.
Color changes in hair are due to the reduction in melamine levels in the hair, usually this happens if humans have reached old age, because at the age of 40 years the body's ability to produce melamine decreases, so that at that age causes frequent gray hair growth.
white hair is white hair that changes from the original color of birth. white hair can grow due to the lack of melamine in the hair, so that the gray hair gradually changes to white. Other factors that cause gray growth are genetic factors and stress.
Although generally change is found in old age, but sometimes gray hair can also grow at a young age. Although unusual, this situation is often found in many people. Young people whose hair grows gray hair usually consume less food that contains melamine, so the supply of melamine for hair becomes small which causes hair to change color quickly. In addition to the above points about the causes of gray hair at a young age, below are other causes that cause gray hair.
Causes of Fast Gray Hair at a Young Age
1. As a result of smoking
It is clear, on cigarette packs, a warning is made of the dangers of smoking. Side effects of cigarettes are quite a lot, and are very detrimental to the body's health. One result of smoking is to speed up the growth of gray hair at a young age. Free radicals caused by smoking will reduce melamine levels in the hair so that the color of the hair will quickly turn white from the base color.
2. Stress
Everyone must have felt stress, because in human life they were faced with difficult demands and choices. Stress often can cause old age, hair loss and gray hair. Stress can cause gray hair to grow because it can reduce melamine levels in the body.
3. Genetics
Heredity or genetic factors into human nature derived by parents. Many genetic factors are inherited, such as physical, skin color, hair color, etc. In addition, gray hair can also be caused by genetic factors, so this situation is very difficult to overcome because it is from nature.
4. Dirty Scalp
Hygiene is part of faith. That is a hadith which states how important cleanliness is. Cleanliness covers all aspects, starting from the environment, home and body. Our limbs must always be kept clean, not to mention the scalp. A dirty scalp is one of the causes of gray hair growth.
5. Due to Thyroid Disease
The largest endocrine gland in the human body is the thyroid gland. Thyroid disease arises due to several factors, such as problems with the pituri gland in the brain, excess levels of iodine etc. The onset of thyroid disease will cause fast growth of gray hair in the hair, because thyroid disease will affect melamine production in the body.
6. Zinc, Copper & Vitamin B12 deficiency
Already we know that Zinc, copper and B12 play an important role in feeding our hair. Lack of these three types of vitamins will affect hair health. Always fill your food intake by including Vitamin B12 so that gray hair does not grow at a young age.
7. Lack of Vitamin E & C
Consuming foods that contain lots of vitamin E and Vitamin C can make your hair healthy. Vitamins E and C are responsible for producing cells that are responsible for forming melamine. Lack of intake of these two vitamins can cause gray hair to grow at an early age.
8. Early Menopause
Menopause is a condition where women no longer have menstruation, this condition usually occurs in elderly women. The occurrence of early Manopause is very unnatural and must immediately get medical treatment. Early menopause is one of the causes of gray hair growth at a young age, especially women, because of hormonal changes that should occur in old age. 9. Replace Hair Dye Lifestyle that is growing rapidly makes many people less fast with existing appearance, so various styles are applied to him, including one of which is the color of hair, especially the color of hair dye used from chemicals , so that it can erode melamine levels in the hair which results in fast graying of hair at an early age.
10. Folic Acid Deficiency
Optimal hair growth is caused by adequate intake of folic acid for the body. Adequate intake of folic acid for the body keeps hair health awake. Folic acid deficiency will interfere with the health of the hair so that it accelerates the growth of gray hair at an early age.
11. Due to Hair Dryers
For some people, especially women, using a hair dryer like hair drayer becomes a habit. Wet hair after shampooing is not enough just rubbed with a towel. The use of a hair dryer too often will cause long-term hair health disorders, including the growth of gray hair at a young age can be caused by the frequency of using a hair dryer
12. Due to the Wrong Diet
Having an ideal body is the dream of many people. Various ways are often done, including diets. Diets that are in accordance with the rules and still maintain a healthy diet will not arise health problems and even a healthy and ideal body. Conversely, if the wrong and excessive diet can affect the health of the body due to nutrient intake that is not balanced and not met by the body. Unbalanced nutritional intake is also one of the causes of gray hair growth at a young age. 13. Consume Instant Food
Although simple and saves time, eating instant food can cause health problems, almost all instant or fast food contains carcinogenic substances that have toxic properties. The consequences arising from the frequent consumption of fast food or instant which contains carcinogenic substances, namely the growth of gray hair at a young age, because these substances can inhibit the production of melamine in the body.
14. Hormones are not balanced
Hormones in the human body function to coordinate between cells or between certain groups of cells in the body. Hormones are produced by the gland, which are then discreted into the bloodstream. Hormonal balance is quite influential on the health of hair and skin, and hormonal changes can also cause disrupted hair and skin health. So that hormonal imbalances can cause gray hair to grow at a young age.
15. Keramas With Water Sadah
For ordinary people, the word water is a bit foreign to the ear. Hard water is water that has a high mineral content so that it is often called hard water, the opposite of hard water is soft water that has a low mineral content. Frequent washing of hair with hard water results in hair.
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