3 Greatest Warming Global Poster You Must See

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You've certainly seen global warming posters , right? Posters with environmental themes like that many we meet, especially in public places. Especially when the issue of global warming increasingly crowded discussed, it is not strange if the posters are more and more we meet. Generally the poster is made as attractive as possible in order to attract the attention of the public, and this is the 3 poster global warming you should see, see carefully.

Before we take a look at these cool global warming posters, let's take a quick look at global warming first. Global warming is defined as the increase in the average temperature on the surface of the earth, since the beginning of the 19th century to the present, the earth has experienced an increase in temperature almost one degree Celsius. If this is not immediately anticipated then the earth will be more damaged and will allow the occurrence of major disasters that are not expected.

So, what is a global warming poster?

Something made is certainly not without cause, there is a specific purpose and purpose, as well as the making of this global warming poster. Global warming posters or the like are made with the following aims and objectives:

- Tell the public that our earth is experiencing a major problem that is global warming or that we are familiar with global warming.
- Informing the general public that we should keep our surroundings started with little things and now.
- Make people aware to participate in efforts to overcome global warming such as cycling, using public transportation, etc.

Here are 3 examples of coolest global warming posters

Poster Global Warming

Global warming posters are cool and funny, are not they? The poster shows the earth feeling hot with the blazing sunshine (depicted by a grimacing earth and smiling sun). Posters like this are suitable to be installed in early childhood, kindergarten or elementary school grades.

Poster Global Warming

Of course you agree if the poster global warming above is really cool, right? The poster is fairly simple with only pictures and no words related to global warming. The poster shows how the earth becomes black due to industrialization everywhere.

Poster Global Warming

Global warming posters above show that the earth melts due to global warming, the words on the poster are also really stunning "do really need another sign?" and "save the earth, stop global warming now" . I think the poster is really cool, agree right?

Well that's 3 examples of the coolest global warming posters that you must see. Hopefully these posters can make us more loving environment around us and participate in efforts to overcome global warming by doing things relatively simple like planting trees, cycling and more. and hopefully this information can be useful for you all Perspex poster holder.
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