6 Strange and Terrible Experiences When Opening Deep Web

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6 Strange and Terrible Experiences When Opening Deep Web

1.  Cannibalism

Stealthbroccolihunter accidentally found a horrible site about how to cook human flesh. Even specifically in this site described, which body parts are most comfortable consumed in accordance with gender and age.

2. The hit man

From IAmASharkFin, he revealed a mercenary service he found while tracing the deep web. Payment of mercenary services can use bitcoin and the amount depends on the target level. However, such services do not serve services to kill children or public figures.

3. The mutilated corpse

Semper_Fi_Cerberus was just going to visit the deep web, but a homepage made him curious and he clicked it because there is writing 'for journalists and new people to deep web'. It took a long time to find out what the content of the homepage is. But unexpectedly, the contents are very surprising! There are pieces of mutilated corpses. Instantly he went straight out of the page and regretted what he had seen.

 4. Missed call

When you are downloading something from Tor that takes 20 minutes, suddenly an account 1sensfan in Reddit gets unknown missed call. Without thinking or suspicion, he immediately picked up the phone. However, no sound from get spotify premium the call. Not enough once, missed call from that unknown number again called her. Out of fear, he did not lift it. Until the third time he ventured to answer the phone. Still no sound until the 10th minute there was a vague sound at the end of the phone saying "I saw you".

5. Execution is dead

Reported by insidermonkey, someone clicks on a link that takes it to a video (apparently from the Middle East) that looks like a YouTube view. When he opened it, he saw more than 20 men kneel with bags placed over their heads. While there is one person who recorded the scene of the execution that was broadcast live. A large number of men stood behind them and when one of their trusted leaders uttered a few words in unknown language, they began firing at them to death.

6. Torture

Nothing is more painful and makes your curse come out once you see the torture of animals. Still launched from insider monkey, someone who was then aged 11 years was looking for something related to the cat. Hell, what he found was a torture video on a kitten. The perpetrator in the video sadistically tortured the kitten. We do not even have the heart if we have to mention the cruelty of what the perpetrators of the video, sorry - from breaking the legs, to cut up the poor kitten's body - .. Someone who is still small when accidentally saw it hysterical then haunted by taste guilty for having seen it. He even hopes the offender in the video is dead.
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