In the near future Chrome will block voiced videos automatically

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In the near future Chrome will block voiced videos automatically

In 2017, autocad lt Google announced that it would start blocking videos that were played automatically in the Chrome browser, where it was indeed quite annoying, especially if you open multiple tabs and suddenly one of the webpages plays a video with sound. The good news, Google has announced that they will block videos with the sound that is played automatically.

As 9 to 5 Google reports, Google has added more criteria that determine whether the video can be played automatically or not. One criterion is that the video must be silent or not have an audio feature. This means that the video can still be played automatically in the background as long as there is no sound. This is a feature that is quite important for some people, because videos that are played automatically by web pages are sometimes surprising because the sound is quite loud.

In addition, there are also other criteria added by Google, ie users who previously clicked on a site during a browsing session will be added to the Home screen on a mobile device, or if the user is known to play media frequently on the site based on the Media Engagement index. An example is if you often browse videos on YouTube, and that will be added to the Home screen.

One criterion is that the video must be silent or not have an audio feature. This means that the video can still be played automatically in the background as long as there is no sound. This is a feature that is quite important for some people, because videos that are played automatically by web pages are sometimes surprising because the sound is quite loud.

But it should be noted that this change is not available at this time because it is part of Chrome 66. But you can try it through the beta version, while waiting to be released for the final version of Chrome.
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